Boost Your Pet's Gut Health Today — pet safety

Hypothyroidism: Top 10 Facts You Need to Know 0
Hypothyroidism is one of the most common medical disorders of dogs. Classic symptoms include weight gain without an increase in appetite, sluggishness, a dull hair coat with flaky skin that is not red or itchy, cold intolerance, and hair loss on the trunk, back of the rear legs, and the tail. Other abnormalities may include thickening of the facial skin, muscle loss, nerve problems, non-pain...

How to Safely Remove a Tick 0
If your dog or cat likes to roam outdoors, you should check daily for ticks as they have the capacity to spread deadly diseases within one day of contact. If you are unsure of how to look for or remove ticks, this article will teach you the critical steps to safeguard your pet from parasites.
Introducing Your Pet To Your Newborn Baby? Children? Another Pet? 0
Bringing a newborn into the family home can be a bit unpredictable. Just as the baby will change your life so will he or she change your dog’s routine as well. While your pet may have had your full attention up until your baby’s arrival, an infant will demand your attention full-time. Your pet may be jealous so you will need to create a new schedule and let your pet adjust naturally.

Hot Spots And Pets: What You Can Do To Help Your Furry Loved One 0
As humans, we know that scratching an itch is not a big deal as long as we don’t do it incessantly. Too bad our poor pups do not share that same knowledge. Even worse for many animals is that not knowing when to stop scratching can lead to many issues down the line. One very uncomfortable issue is acute dermatitis which is also known as hot spots.