Documented Health Benefits Of Owning A Pet

Documented Health Benefits Of Owning A Pet 0

Does owning a pet have health benefits? For nearly three decades, researchers have been fascinated by the relationship that exists between pets and their owners. While a bond cannot be denied, there is also a lot of attention in the medical and scientific communities about the health benefits that also exist. Here are a few short and long-term benefits of owning a pe...
Introducing Your Pet To Your Newborn Baby? Children? Another Pet?

Introducing Your Pet To Your Newborn Baby? Children? Another Pet? 0

Bringing a newborn into the family home can be a bit unpredictable. Just as the baby will change your life so will he or she change your dog’s routine as well. While your pet may have had your full attention up until your baby’s arrival, an infant will demand your attention full-time. Your pet may be jealous so you will need to create a new schedule and let your pet adjust naturally.

More is Not Better: What Every Vet and Pet Owner Should Know About Vaccines: Dr. Robert Schultz Work

More is Not Better: What Every Vet and Pet Owner Should Know About Vaccines: Dr. Robert Schultz Work 0


Infectious disease and prevention are vital public health issues which are why access to vaccines are essential to both humans and animals. That said, vaccines also have the potential to bring about harmful reactions that, when severe enough, have life-threatening consequences.

Top 10 Facts on Vaccines

Top 10 Facts on Vaccines 0

Up-to-date vaccinations are critical to protecting your pets from contagious, and often fatal, diseases. It is easy for dogs and cats to come into contact with disease be it airborne or zoonoses. Exposure also commonly occur at dog parks, at the groomer, or at boarding kennels. Here are Ample Nutrition’s top ten facts on vaccines that all animal owners need to know.<...