Benefits of Enzymes

Benefits of Enzymes

Did you know that digestive enzymes are critical to the health of your pet because they aid in digestion, nutrient absorption, immunity, skin and coat health, and joint inflammation prevention? If your dog is displaying less than optimal energy, enzymes may be just what your furry family friends need to give them a natural solution to common pet health issues.

Where Do Pets Get Enzymes From?

Pets get enzymes from their bodies and from the nutritional support of food or supplements they consume. Even though they are available in lots of food sources, they are easily destroyed because of high temperatures during the cooking process, additives for food preservation, taste enhancements, and environmental contamination. Once consumed, your dog’s body may also quickly reduce enzymes because of cell processes, medications, illness, free radical metabolism, and environmental contact. Your pets also may produce insufficient amounts of enzymes such as amylase, protease, and lipase due to certain health conditions, such as pancreatitis.

What Occurs When Pets Suffer From Enzyme Deficiencies?

When your pet does not get enough enzymes, it decreases the number of metabolic or digestive enzymes that are vital to performing daily tasks. For your pets to live a long and healthy life, their digestion of nutrient-rich foods significantly relates to what pet owners supply for them to eat. The reduction of enzymes can cause health issues because it slows down proper food digestion into nutritionally valuable molecules that your body can absorb and utilize.

What Are The Benefits Of Ample Nutrition’s Daily Digestive Enzymes For Pets?

  • Most Pet Foods Are Enzyme-Deficient


Because of the way that pet food is heated, processed, and preserved, it depletes added enzymes that companies include unless there is special processing. Ample Nutrition uses specialized processing called Bioactive Protein Peptide System (BPPS) to stabilize enzymes for the availability of nutrients and digestive absorption.


  • Drugs, Antibiotics, Heavy Metals, and Cancer Can Deplete The Body’s Enzymes


Even if your pet is getting enough enzymes through food, drugs, antibiotics, and heavy metals will naturally deplete the body of enzymes that are vital for proper function and digestion.


  • Older, Sick, Or Stressed Dogs Are At Risk


Metabolic enzymes work throughout the body to allow for proper functions that boost and optimize cells, organs, and tissue health. Older or sick animals do not produce as many enzymes as healthy pets which leaves them susceptible to poorer health.


  • Pancreatitis


Digestive enzymes are critical for stomach and intestinal digestion. If the pancreas is not working as it should, it will not produce enough enzymes to work properly.

Important Ingredients In Daily Digestive Enzymes For Protein, Carbohydrates, And Fat

Protein digestive enzymes:

  • Protease (Aspergillus oryzae) – 12,000 HUT 1200mg
  • Protease (Bacillus licheniformis) – 500 PC 75mg
  • Bromelain (Anana comosus - stem) – 250,000 PU 118mg
  • Papain (Carica papaya - fruit) – 225,000 PU 112mg

Carbohydrate digestive enzymes:

  • Amylase 6.0 (Aspergillus oryzae) – 2,000 DU 250mg
  • Cellulase (Trichoderma reesei) – 250 CU 50mg
  • Hemicellulase (Trichoderma reesei) – 250 HCU 60mg
  • Beta glucanase (Trichoderma reesei) – 10 BGU 10mg

Fat digestive enzymes:

  • Lipase (Aspergillus niger) – 500 FIP 125mg

Ample Nutrition wants to help your pet get a healthy start with our Daily Digestive Enzymes For Pets. Our product provides the proper enzyme levels for absorption of vitamins and minerals that will support and maintain your pet’s health, bodily functions, detoxification, and cell growth.


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