Is It Safe For My Pet To Travel In An Airplane? 0
In 2017, the Department of Transportation recorded that 24 pets died on commercial flights in the United States. Eighteen of them occurred on United Airlines flights which brought about discuss...
Hazard Of Leaving A Pet In Your Car 0
All too commonly, Americans hear about a heat-related car death. In the last two decades, more than six hundred children have died in hot cars. Animal deaths are not officially recorded, but experts estimate that hundreds of animals also die ...Top 10 Facts on Vaccines 0
Up-to-date vaccinations are critical to protecting your pets from contagious, and often fatal, diseases. It is easy for dogs and cats to come into contact with disease be it airborne or zoonoses. Exposure also commonly occur at dog parks, at the groomer, or at boarding kennels. Here are Ample Nutrition’s top ten facts on vaccines that all animal owners need to know.<...Apartment Living: Choosing The Right Pet Companion 0
Those who live in apartments often want pets but unsure of which ones are the right fit. With the increased knowledge of pet companionship and physical and mental benefits, it is essential to find the animals that thrive in this environment.